Port Services

Port Services

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Port Services

Sinotraffic provides port services, including cleaning the driving cab, taking photos and videos, refueling, washing cars and waxing, covering car cloths, reinforcing, and removing the reflectors.

Our Advantages

1:Cleaning the driving cab: Clean up all garbage in cars after receiving cars.

2:Taking photos and videos: Take photos of each process and store them according to the chassis number. Shoot and edit the videos of cars in each process.

3:Refueling: Refuel the cars that lack fuel.

4:Washing cars and waxing: After receiving the vehicles, if necessary, wash and wax the cars.

5:Covering car cloths: Cover the cargo if placed on the deck with cloth and net. 

6:Reinforcing: Reinforce the accessories if necessary. 

7:Removing the reflectors: Remove the reflectors that enlarge the size and reinforce them in the driving cab.

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Contact us

  • 公司地址:


    Address: 32 Floor, Xiwang Building, No. 138 Dunhua Road, Shibei District, Qingdao
  • 邮箱:


  • 联系电话:


    +86 400-0978-677

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Main business: The transportation of vehicles and equipment, including sea, land, air, and railway transportation, storage, customs clearance, warehouse, overseas to the door, KD services.

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