Multimodal Transportation

Multimodal Transportation

Multimodal Transportation

Multimodal transportation uses two or more transports to transfer and complete the whole transport process. It can simplify the procedure of consigning, settling accounts, and claim settlement, save labor force and material resources, shorten the delivery time, cut down the stock, reduce the damage gap, and improve transport quality.

Our Advantages:

Sinotraffic multimodal transportation uses modernized means of organization to combine many single modes of transportation. Utilizing combined transport, including rail-water and water-land, Sinotraffic breaks the regional boundary and reduces international transport costs.

HQ Lines:

China-Russia sea-railway combined transportation, China-Africa sea-land combined door-to-door service, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Zambia.

More cases:
  • Changan Mazda Project

Contact us

  • 公司地址:


    Address: 32 Floor, Xiwang Building, No. 138 Dunhua Road, Shibei District, Qingdao
  • 邮箱:

  • 联系电话:


    +86 400-0978-677

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Main business: The transportation of vehicles and equipment, including sea, land, air, and railway transportation, storage, customs clearance, warehouse, overseas to the door, KD services.

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