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Sinotraffic Transported 20 SHACMAN Tractors to Africa

2022-09-27 09:41:51

In August 2022, 20 SHACMAN tractors arrived in Beira, East Africa. Sinotraffic provided the FR freight forwarding, export declaration, and port services, including receiving, inspecting the cars, taking down the reflectors, loading the vehicles, and tying up.

Sinotraffic focused on FR for heavy trucks and super huge equipment for more than ten years. Sinotraffic provides one-on-one services, including receiving, inspecting, loading, tying up the cargo, tracking the route, guiding unloading the cargo, dispatching, and delivering. Sinotraffic is always pursuing to offer a simple, economical, reliable supply chain service of vehicles and equipment.


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Main business: The transportation of vehicles and equipment, including sea, land, air, and railway transportation, storage, customs clearance, warehouse, overseas to the door, KD services.

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