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Various Commercial Vehicles Arrive in Africa! Sinotraffic Provides Breakbulk Shipping Services

2024-11-21 09:32:36

Recently, over a hundred commercial vehicles, including tractors, cargo trucks, dump trucks, and water tankers, successfully arrived at African destination ports via breakbulk shipping. Sinotraffic provided port ground services such as vehicle reception, inspection, mirror dismantling, shipping, and customs clearance agency services.

With over a decade of expertise in the vehicle and equipment logistics supply chain, Sinotraffic has extensive experience in breakbulk cargo handling. Its primary clients include trucks, buses, construction machinery, and non-powered heavy equipment. The company maintains close partnerships with multiple ports. It also has a professional operations team to ensure cargo safety during port arrival, loading, lashing, and securing, effectively reducing costs and improving efficiency.

As one of the first national pilot enterprises for supply chain innovation and application, Sinotraffic aims to build a globally leading brand in vehicle and equipment logistics supply chains. By continually enhancing its service capabilities, it offers customized logistics solutions to support the global reach of China’s vehicles and equipment.

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    Address: 32 Floor, Xiwang Building, No. 138 Dunhua Road, Shibei District, Qingdao
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    +86 400-0978-677

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Main business: The transportation of vehicles and equipment, including sea, land, air, and railway transportation, storage, customs clearance, warehouse, overseas to the door, KD services.

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